19 December 2022 - TIA


I woke up in the morning and noticed it was 7 o'clock. Next thing I knew I came to on the floor a few steps from the bed. The rocking chair was tipped over. Had trouble getting up. I made it to the bathroom and went back to bed. I noticed that it was 7:15. After I recovered, I went downstairs and made coffee. Was a little woozy. Came back upstairs and launched into my AM routine - logging stuff on my computer. Having a bit of trouble. Susan called.

Reality sets in

I couldn’t hold a conversation! I did say "I can't talk!" several times but when I tried to report on my morning adventure the words got all tangled up. Susan came over drove me to the emergency room.

Word salad

The ER wasn't bad - I was admitted fairly quickly. My ability to talk was slowly returning. One ER person referred to my symptom as "word salad" which seemed about right. They ran beaucoup tests on me. Didn't turn up anything in my brain and so they diagnosed a TIA (Transient Ischemic Attack). A nice Dr recommended that I stay in the hosital overnight which I did.

Long recovery

The long recovery was not from TIA/word salad. My speech was essentially normal when I left the hospital the next day. But I had injured my backside in the fall. As the days passed I had trouble walking. Thought maybe I had injured my tailbone and it would pass. As the weeks passed it morphed into soreness/pain in my left hip/leg. Started taking Tylenol and heating my backside/left leg. It was the end of January before I was back to "normal".

Last updated by Vance 230311.