Joyce died last night!
(12 March 2023)
If it hadn't been for Gary warning me yesterday that she was in dire straights
I would have been completely blindsided.
Last time I saw her, some weeks ago, she was doing fine.
She had rallied back from the heart problems and I was joking
that she would outlive us all.
But according to Sam/Gary she took a turn for the worse last Wednesday.
Quit eating.
Gary told us last night that he thought she had only a few days
left - how right he was!
Liz/Gary visited her last evening. They reported that she was still making jokes. It seems like Joyce didn't know she was going to die? It doesn't matter - it seems like a good exit!
I like to say that Joyce and I were happily divorced.
There was some trauma around the divorce but later we were good friends.
I'm sorry not to have visited her in her last weeks -
maybe I could have provided some contact. Held her hand...
Sam's Facebook post: